
My deepest thanks to Brian Drummy @ Three years and 5 months ago I was in an automobile accident that changed my life. During the first few weeks we were just trying to get through the day and figuring out the magnitude of the concussion I had sustained. As the shock wore off, we realized it was affecting every part […]


I think about fatness a lot, except when I forget about it while I’m living basically my entire life and then folks or certain situations remind me. But the fatness I’ve been thinking about lately is not my own. Fat has been a personal descriptor for me my entire life. Whether I was actually fat or not; I was told […]


I have been waiting. I have been waiting on so much, for so long; waiting for my brain functioning to improve, waiting for a vaccine, waiting for pandemic to “end.” I’m tired of waiting. Life doesn’t wait. Nature doesn’t wait. Time doesn’t wait. I have spent far too much of my life waiting. Whether waiting for the “right time” or […]

2020 is a Dumpster Fire and These Women Will Save Us

I have shared a text message thread that is now years long with a group of deeply connected and supportive women friends. Recently, during a week of unspeakably difficult Covid-era life events, our friend Susan aptly gave this text thread an official group name “2020 is a Dumpster Fire and These Women Will Save Us.” Yep. That’s us. Women get […]